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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Music Admin­is­tra­tion — prac­tic­al exper­i­ence

  • Level: Bachelor/ Master
  • Credits: 5
  • Semester: 2 semesters, fall and spring
  • Language: Norwegian and English

Course description

The course gives an introduction to practical administrative experience through assisting and observing various performance relatet projects associated with NMH. Examples of projects can be concert series, internal and external festivals, orchestras and ensembles.

This course is aimed at students who are interested in experience within various types of music management.

It may be possible to include an independent project or focus on a specific ensemble/age group, according to the student's interests.


Upon completion of the course, students are expected to:

  • Have gained experience in planning and organizing one or more productions/project
  • Have experience in working independently and collaborating with others
  • Have knowledge of managing processes and coordinating musicians

Learning Objectives

The students get an introduction to the practical part of working with a production. The students must, in collaboration with the course coordinator, be responsible for planning, organizing and carrying out one or more productions/projects.

The student keeps a log of the experience they gain during the course.


The course is project-based and organized in concentrated blocks. The course coordinator sets framework conditions for practical tasks and guidance. Participation is expected in relevant meetings and a close collaboration with those involved.

A plan for organization and participation will be submitted at the start of the academic year.

If a student is to carry out an independent project, the framework and conditions for the project must be agreed on with the course coordinator at the beginning of the semester.

Course Requirements

Attendance is compulsory. More than 20 % absence from mandatory meetings and commitments will normally cause the student to fail the course.

  • Log: The student keeps a log of the experiences they gain during the course.

Final assessment

Reflection Paper
The student will write a reflection paper of approximately 1000 words based on the log and experiences gained throughout the project. The paper is submitted to the course coordinator on the learning platform Canvas. The final assessment will be a pass/fail grade.

New assessment

A new assessment is subject to the same procedure as an ordinary assessment.

Published: Mar 20, 2023 — Last updated: Apr 4, 2024