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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Listening: Resonating #2

Although not the only aspect of live music, the sonic is the most essential part. How can we immerse in listening?

Both as an audience but also as performers. Listening, after all, is what really creates a piece of music in your body. This concert series aims to create a space in which the audience and the performers can listen, resonate, and thus create the music together. Because both as an audience but also as performers, we cannot do without listening if we want to experience the music in our bodies, and how deeply we listen can make a substantial difference in the quality of our experience. We wish to listen to new music in a way that makes it easier to resonate with it. Therefore, we try to get rid of many of the distractions that may occur in a traditional concert situation.

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Published: Dec 6, 2023 — Last updated: Feb 27, 2024