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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

NMH NOW: Are Sandbakken & Christopher Park

An anniversary concert series that takes the pulse of NMH right now.

Simon Hegenberg, Charlotte Wiig

A half-hour lunchtime concert every Thursday during the teaching weeks from October to November and January to April.


Are Sandbakken (viola) and Christopher Park (piano) have spent the last two years immersing themselves in the romantic repertoire and performance practice. This time, they have gone to the source from which all romantic music springs, namely Beethoven. Sonata No. 2 in G minor, originally for cello, spans most human emotions. Here we find melancholy, longing and drama but also gratitude, humour and jubilant joy of life.

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Published: Dec 25, 2023 — Last updated: Jan 12, 2024