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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Lene Grenager

Adjunct Asso­ci­ate Pro­fess­or

Composition, Music Theory and Music Technology Department

Lene Grenager is cellist and composer. She has written orchestral works, chamber music and solo works. As a performing musician, she mainly works with improvisation and with what she calls collective composition. She has been involved from the start in the two ensembles SPUNK and Lemur.

The composition activity is broad and includes work with various forms of notation (including traditional notation, graphic notation, embroidered scores), incorporation of video, electronics and sound files. She has worked with site-specific compositions, installations and in collaboration with dancers and actors. As a cellist, she has released two solo albums and has also contributed to around 30 releases as a composer, musician and producer (e.g. on Unamna, which received the Spellemannpris in spring 2023). She has written the book Hagearbeid - om frø og kultivering i Lene Grenagers musikk and several articles, for example, in VIS-journal (Duch, Grenager, Habbestad, Tafjord: Å lage et Lemuria, VIS-journal #0 2018).

For her work, she was awarded the Arne Nordheim composer's prize in 2018.