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Join NMH in the Pride Parade on 29 June

We are looking forward to walking in the Pride parade on 29 June. The picture is from last year.

NMH takes part in the Pride parade on Saturday 29 June. Go with friends, fellow students, fellow musicians and others. Join us – with or without an instrument.

– The Norwegian Academy of Music wants to be a diverse and inclusive institution, and by participating in the Pride Parade, we show that we mean it in practice. We participate in the Pride Parade to demonstrate our view on diversity and inclusion, says Pricipal Astrid Kvalbein and Vice Principal Sidsel Karlsen.

The Norwegian Academy of Music has a diversity declaration stating that we should recognize and make room for a wide range of human, musical, social, and cultural expressions, backgrounds, competencies, and perspectives. Karlsen believes participating in the Pride Parade is a symbolic and unambiguous manifestation of our values.

– Pride is a celebration of human dignity. Those of us in the current administration believe it is essential to show what we stand for by participating.

the Pricipals at NMH

What should those who want to march with NMH do?

NMH goes as no. 111 in the parade and has a meeting point Platous gate at 11:00.

This year's parade starts on Saturday 29 June at 12:00 from Grønland, and goes to Pride Park in Sofienbergparken. Anyone who wants to, turn up.

The Norwegian Academy of Music will have its banner, and students and staff can march under it if they wish.

Do you want to join the band?

We are trying to bring in some percussionists, but don't know yet if we will succeed. Bring your instrument along and coordinate in advance with others about what you want to play in the parade.


During the Pride parade last year, more and more staff and students came and joined.

Human dignity

Pride is still controversial in some circles – what is the message to those who believe it is wrong for NMH to participate in the parade?

– Pride is a celebration of human dignity. The current management at NMH believes it is essential to show what we stand for by participating.

It is voluntary to participate. It is also voluntary whether one wants to march under the banner of the Norwegian Academy of Music.

Questions about the Pride-parade?

Diversity Declaration of the Norwegian Academy of Music

Diversity at the Norwegian Academy of Music is about recognizing and making space for a broad spectrum of human, musical, social and cultural expressions, backgrounds, competencies and perspectives. Such diversity arises naturally out of inclusive and non-discriminatory communities. Therefore, the Norwegian Academy of Music wishes to promote this type of community, where people can meet, work, create and reside safely.

Read more about the diversity work

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