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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Focus and Relaxation #2

In the concert series, Focus and Relaxation, you can enjoy calm music that soothes the soul, either lying on a mat, sitting on a chair or wandering around the room.

The concert hall is one of the last places today where we can, for once, just absorb the music without any tools at hand and really experience it being created right in front of you. But to experience something in our wholeness, we need to be present and focused to fully dive into it. Many things distract us from this, but if we manage to get into this state of focus, relaxation will come by itself. Presence leads necessarily to relaxation.

During this concert series, we will create a space with as much freedom as possible so that you can decide for yourself how best to focus on the music and get rid of many of the distractions which might appear in a normal concert situation. You have the option to enjoy the music however you like—comfortably lying on a mattress, sitting on a cushion or couch, leaning against the wall, sitting on a chair or while walking around the hall.

The concert only lasts about half an hour, so you can easily fit it into your lunch break.


  • Pauline Oliveros (1932–2016): Horse Sings From Cloud
  • Uroš Rojko (1954–): Passing Away on Two Strings


  • Noel Rubli
  • Elizabeth Kate
  • Marco Slaviero

More Concerts

Published: Dec 12, 2022 — Last updated: Feb 3, 2023