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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Guiseppe Pisano: Spontaneous music diffusions

An investigation of how immersive sound technologies can contribute to the production of spatially accurate and navigable sonic cartographies.

Field of study: Artistic Researc


Ambisonics, a full-sphere surround sound format, is experiencing a new surge in popularity within the field of sound art, however it has seen little use in ethnographic field work despite its potential. Pisanos research proposes the implementation of the Ambisonics technology in ethnographic research to analyze and map the social, cultural, and ethnic conformation of popular neighbourhoods in the metropolitan area of Napoli.

The aim of the project is to investigate how immersive sound technologies can contribute to the production of spatially accurate and navigable sonic cartographies and can supplement sound art projects with alternative narratives while expanding the current discourse on the acoustemology of urban environments. Through observation, analysis, and artistic practice, Pisano will investigate possible operative methodologies of research that can be applied to other case studies, cities, and areas.

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Published: Feb 12, 2023 — Last updated: Mar 14, 2024