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NordART is the Norwegian Academy of Music's centre for artistic research, pedagogical development work, and practice-oriented musicology.

Photo: Signe Fuglesteg Luksengard. Concert at the NordART centre during Ultima 2023

You can find the NordART centre on the 4th floor of the Norwegian Academy of Music. The centre borrows its name from the Norwegian composer Arne Nordheim. Nordheim (1931-2010) was known for his boundary-breaking artistic practice and inquisitive attitude towards music, from which NordART drew inspiration.

What does NordART do?

NordART aims to facilitate projects created by fellows and faculty members in practice-oriented musicology, artistic research, and pedagogical development work. At NordART, we also want these three research and development branches to enrich each other and work together. The centre has prepared descriptions of what pedagogical development work, artistic research, and practice-oriented music science can be at the Norwegian Academy of Music:

Diverse view of music

NordART works with projects based on musical practices that open up a diverse view of music and can contribute to new knowledge. Fellows and faculty members focus on themes relevant to the professional environments at the Norwegian Academy of Music and in the music field in general. At the same time, we have focus areas around which we have formed larger research communities.

Focus areas NordART

Our projects

Here you find the projects associated with Arne Nordheim Centre for Artistic Research.

Go to projects

The Norwegian Academy of Music offers two PhD programmes through NordART:

Fellows and faculty members at NordART use several publication channels, including

Our internal events

Here, you will find events organised by the Arne Nordheim Centre (NordART). The link goes to the internal website for Academy of Music employees.

NordART's events calendar on

Research Concerts

Previous and upcoming concerts at NMH related to NordART

See the concerts in the concert calendar

News the latest

Our publications and results

Published: Mar 13, 2020 — Last updated: Feb 14, 2025