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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search


At the library you will find the source material you need to get the most out of your education

Ordinary opening hours

Staffed hours (access without access card):

  • Monday to Thursday: 09.00–15.00.
  • Friday: 10.00–15.00.

Extended card access to the library for NMH students and employees Monday to Friday: 09.00-22.00, and Saturday 09.00-21.00. The computer rooms are also accessible with card 07.00-09.00 on weekdays, and all day on Sunday.

The library is closed on all public and official holidays. Any changes in opening hours in connection with Easter, summer, and Christmas will be published here on the website.

See the dates for the Shut up and write this semester

Do you find it difficult to prioritize writing? Are you reluctant to open a blank Word document? Is it boring to work alone? Join "Shut up and write" at room 140.

See all the Shut up and Write in the event calendar

In this video, you will learn how to search in the library catalogue Oria:

In this video, you will learn how to search for choir material in the library catalogue Oria:

About the Library

Ordinary opening hours

Staffed hours (access without access card):

  • Monday to Thursday: 09.00–15.00.
  • Friday: 10.00–15.00.

Extended card access to the library for NMH students and employees Monday to Friday: 09.00-22.00, and Saturday 09.00-21.00. The computer rooms are also accessible with card 07.00-09.00 on weekdays, and all day on Sunday.

The library is closed on all public and official holidays. Any changes in opening hours in connection with Easter, summer, and Christmas will be published here on the website.

Contact Information

  • Telephone: +47 23 36 70 34
  • E-mail:

Street address: Slemdalsveien 11, 0369 OSLO, Norway

Mailing address

Norges musikkhøgskoles bibliotek,
Postboks 5190 Majorstuen
0302 OSLO

Library Staff