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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Anders Veiteberg: Exploring Bach’s Evangelist.

What can we learn about Baroque performance practice through Johann Sebastian Bach's Passions?

Field of study: Performance Practice


The project discusses Johann Sebastian Bach's Evangelist in St. John and St. Matthew Passion, using musical terminology from the late Baroque period. Bach’s Passions are performed all over the world, but there are still questions related to performance practice, that have not been sufficiently discussed in the scientific literature. This is especially true for the influence of declamation and longer ornaments on Bach's style. This project aims to be a resource for every performer who seeks to perform German recitative in an informed and poignant manner.

This project has a hermeneutical approach, and it will draw on Veiteberg's experience as a performer.

Published: Jun 8, 2022 — Last updated: Apr 17, 2024