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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Bach­el­or of Music Per­form­ance Clas­sic­al and Con­tem­por­ary Music

  • Leads to the following qualification: Bachelor of performance.
  • Scope: 240 ECTS credits – four years of full-time study.

Admission requirements

General higher education qualifications or equivalent, and a satisfactory audition.

Short description of the programme

The Bachelor of Music performance is a 4-year high-quality academic music education, designed to educate musicians for performance roles in today’s music scene at a professional level.

The scope of the study programme is 240 ECTS credits and aims to contribute to the development of accomplished and independent musicians, who take responsibility for their own artistic and creative growth. The programme is divided into three different genre-specific specializations; classical music, folk music and improvised music/jazz. This curriculum applies to the area of classical, including contemporary music as a concentration.


At the completion of the Bachelor's programme, the student is expected to

  • be able to convey and realize their artistic intentions at a professional level
  • take responsibility for their own creative and artistic development
  • show a broad understanding of music as an art form within a historical, cultural, social and academic perspective
  • be able to document and apply relevant theoretical and practical musical knowledge
  • be able to work in a purposeful and goal-oriented manner, individually and with others
  • have knowledge of relevant artistic research and development, and be able to apply this to their work
  • be able to relate to the demands of life in the music industry
  • be able to communicate around disciplinary knowledge both in an oral and written manner
  • have knowledge of and relate to academic- and work ethical guidelines in a reflective manner


The programme is organized into two modules, each with a duration of two years. During the first module, the student will work with fundamental musicianship and skills within a relatively determined course of study. During the second module, the student will choose different specializations through a broad and varied choice of elective courses. Through these options, the student can choose to specialize further within parts of the mandatory programme or choose new subjects and academic specializations. The students can for example choose to focus on ensemble/chamber music, or on different epochs/styles. The student may also choose alternative specializations, like conducting applied music theory, music technology or Practical

Pedagogical Education (PPU). Admission to elective courses may be limited, and for some of them (i.e. PPU) Norwegian language proficiency must be documented.

The study programme consists of teacher-led classroom instruction, academic supervision and independent study in connection with this instruction. It is expected that a significant part of the student’s work time is used for individual practice and preparation.

As a general rule, class attendance at the Academy is not compulsory. However, there are certain courses in which attendance is required. The reason for this is that the activity in the classroom in itself provides students with experiences that lead to insight, understanding and skills in the subject area although this expertise cannot be documented/demonstrated on a test or examination. The individual course descriptions specify whether class attendance is compulsory.

Regulations concerning absences and leaves of absence

Study credits are used as the unit of measure to express the scope of the courses in the study programme. The complete Bachelor’s degree programme consists of 240 credits. One year of full-time study is equal to 60 credits. One credit corresponds to 27-30 hours of work including classroom instruction and independent work.

Information for students admitted to the English variant of the programme

For students admitted to the English variant of the programme, the main structure and organisation of the programme is the same as outlined above and in the course structure below. Some adaptions might, however, be made to make room for more dedicated mentoring of the students and to facilitate the learning of Norwegian.

Varying solutions for accommodating the needs of English-speaking students are implemented in each individual course. In some courses, students are taught in separate English-speaking groups. In other courses, the English-speaking students will follow classes and lectures in Norwegian, but receive extra tutoring before and/or after the class.

Although it is possible to complete the programme without knowledge of Norwegian, learning the language will be advantageous. The range of elective courses and electable modules is for instance greater for students with competence in both English and Norwegian. Norwegian language skills will also be of great benefit for successful participation not only in the Norwegian but also in the Scandinavian labour market.

All students admitted to the English variant of the programme must attend a mandatory intensive Norwegian language course before the start of term (tentative period: mid-July-mid-August).

During term time, students will have the option to attend a Norwegian language course as part of their studies.


The Academy’s course portfolio is comprised of courses that use the marks “pass/fail” and courses that use marks on a scale of A to F, where E is the lowest passing mark. The individual course descriptions state which system of marks will be used.

Additional provisions on assessment and examination are laid down in Chapter VI of the Regulations governing the study programmes at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

A diploma will be issued when the student has passed all the courses required for a degree. The final main instrument examination grade is presented on the diploma alongside instrument specification and study credits.

Education quality assurance

The Academy has a system for educational quality assurance and development that applies to all aspects of the education provided. Students play a vital role in these efforts by, among other things, participating in student evaluations of courses and programmes.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 21, 2025