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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Cham­ber Choir

  • ECTS: 2 per project.
  • Year of study: Project.
  • Final assessment: Assessment from the course instructor.
  • Prerequisites: Auditions for students other than classical singers.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian or English.

Course description

This course prepares students for working in professional choirs and ensembles. The Chamber Choir is project-based with a new line-up for each project. Each project provides 2 ECTS credits for students who participate beyond compulsory choir duty. Students who do not have classical song as their principal instrument must pass an audition in order to participate.

Note: Participation in the course depends on line-up needs for various projects.

Registration of participation takes place at the end of the academic year. Please apply to the projects in 2017–2018 through the application form for elective courses.

Planned projects 2017–2018

Project week 49, 2017

Repertoire: Norwegian folk music applied for a choir.

  • All voice categories (depending on line-up needs).
  • Period: All week 4 to 9 December and 20 October / 10 November / 17 November 15:00-17:00. Concerts: 8 December / possibly 9 December.
  • Conductor: Grete Pedersen.

Project week 11, 2018

Repertoire: Daniel-Lesur: Le Cantique des Cantiques (12 part ensemble), Duruflé: Requiem (version for choir, organ, and 2 soloists)

  • All voice categories (depending on line-up needs).
  • Period: All week 12 to 16 March 2018 + 16 February, 2 March, and 9 March 15:00-17:00. Concert 16 March 18:00.
  • Conductor: Vivianne Sydnes.

Responsible department: Conducting, Voice and Church Music Department.

Course coordinator: Ellen Haldar.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, students are expected to:

  • develop an awareness of performing and communicating music in a choir
  • obtain insight into central choir repertoire from various time periods
  • obtain experience in singing in a large ensemble
  • obtain practical experience of concert activities


The choir works with a varied repertoire which includes music from various eras and genres. There will be long-term plans for the choir's activities and repertoire. As a suggestive norm for the repertoire a three-year period must include at least:

  • one project with an orchestra/ensemble, either one of the Academy's ensembles/orchestras, or an external ensemble
  • one a capella project
  • one contemporary music project
  • one church music project (with or without ensemble)
  • one opera project (with ensemble)


Every project includes about 4 hours of rehearsal per day for one week. Projects end in one or more internal/external concert(s).

The choir consist of students with singing as their main instrument, and students who take chamber choir as an elective course. Instruction is project-based.

At the start of each academic year, there will be made a schedule over which projects students are to participate in, repertoire, rehearsal times, concerts, instructors and conductors. Details for the individual student's participation is regulated by lineup lists. Detailed rehearsal plans are ready three weeks before a project begins, at the latest.

For an overview of recommended amounts of instruction and organisation, please see Organisation under the description of the individual study programme.

Students have registered automatically for instruction/supervision and assessment in the course in accordance with the study progress requirements set out in the individual education plan.

Course requirements

All participation in rehearsals and concerts is compulsory.

Final assessment

All coursework requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Student assessment is based on the learning objectives. The final assessment will be given as a pass/fail mark, which will be determined by the course teacher based on each student’s level of achievement throughout the course period.

Study component

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Apr 20, 2022