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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Ensemble Prac­tice in Stavanger Sym­phony Orches­tra

  • ECTS: 2 per project.
  • Course level: Bachelor/master.
  • Year of study: Project-based, after agreement with the orchestra.
  • Final assessment: Continuous assessment and concert.
  • Prerequisites: Audition.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian or English.

Course description

The course is open to BA and MA wind, harp, string and percussion students.

The course is project-based and results in 2 credits per project. Admissions are done by Stavanger Symphony Orchestra (SSO) after auditions.

All instruments will audition Friday, October 5th 2018 at the Academy. Wind, harp and percussion students apply for the course through the elective course application form. String students apply at the beginning of week 40 during the strings audition project, or to Are Sandbakken.

This ensemble practice will not replace ensemble duty at the Academy.

Which projects the student will participate in will be arranged between the student and the orchestra. Registration of participation is done at the end of the academic year.


Learning objectives

On completion of the course, students are expected to have knowledge and skills when working in professional orchestras.


Students will play the planned repertoire for the project week(s). The orchestra will decide how many and which projects each student will participate in.

Each student will have an SSO musician as a supervisor but will participate on the same level as the other orchestra musicians.


The projects will follow the orchestra's concert plan. One project period normally lasts one week (possibly including the weekend), with daily rehearsals and a final concert.

Course requirements

Mandatory participation in all rehearsals and concerts throughout the project.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment.

Assessment is based on learning objectives. The final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark, which is determined by the orchestra based on each student’s level of achievement throughout the course period.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, students must retake the course (one project).

Audition repertoire

The library has all titles, but they cannot guarantee availability.

Students must organise accompaniment on their own.

See the Norwegian course page for all audition repertoire.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Mar 21, 2024