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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Industry, Pro­fes­sion and Iden­tity

Course description

This course is taken by all bachelor students and is partly theoretical and partly practical. During the course the students should continue to develop their professional identity and acquire knowledge of the opportunities, demands and expectations that exist in the industry. The course also covers further opportunities for professional development and continuing education. The course is made up of a number of modules.

Learning objectives

On completion of this course, the student is expected to

  • demonstrate awareness of their identity, capabilities and opportunities
  • demonstrate a reflected approach to their role as a musician in society
  • be able to plan and execute a project
  • possess knowledge of the opportunities that exist in the labour market, both at established institutions and as a freelancer
  • possess knowledge of the demands and expectations placed on professional musicians / music workers
  • document their insight into processes linked to innovation and entrepreneurship
  • document their insight into and take a critical approach to professional ethics


The following topics are covered on the course:

The labour market

  • Social policy.
  • International perspectives.
  • Presentations by employers and other organisations.
  • Idea development and basic project planning.

Portfolio and career planning

  • Awareness of own identity, competencies and interests.
  • Future roles in the labour market.
  • How to present own competencies in a portfolio.
  • How to create promotional materials for concrete projects.

Programming, promoting and delivering a project

  • Planning, delivering and evaluating a project focusing on presentation, promotion and finance.


The course is normally taught as a combination of weekly classes or periodic seminars. Activities include discussions, presentations, group work, individual work and practical work/performances. The students are expected to work independently and to actively participate.

The project could be a concert, tour, workshop or similar. The students are encouraged to link the project to existing chamber music or ensemble constellations.

For a summary of indicative workload and structure, please see the “Structure” section of the relevant programme of study.

The students are automatically registered for tuition/supervision and assessment in the subject in line with the progression set out in the individual education plan.

Course requirements

  1. The student should submit a project plan to include a budget, marketing and social profile for the project.
  2. The student should give an oral presentation to their peers on their own experiences from the project.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met before the student can be given a final assessment.

The assessment is based on the learning objectives for the course. The course is assessed on a pass or fail basis in the form of an exam portfolio. The portfolio is assessed by two internal examiners.

Exam portfolio

  • Career plan of at least 500 words (analysis and reflection on own competencies, interests and visions in light of the student’s knowledge of the labour market).
  • Promotional materials (must include musical CV and two press photos. May be supplemented with website, press materials, audio and video recordings etc.).
  • Reflective paper: The student should write a reflective paper of 500–1,000 words describing their work on the project and focusing on social profile, target groups and any plans to continue the project.

Deadline: The exam portfolio should be submitted on the Canvas learning platform by 5 February.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures apply.

Study component

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Apr 20, 2022