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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Music Tech­no­logy

  • Year of study: Year 1 and 2, over four semesters.
  • Final assessment: Exam portfolio.
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the Master of Music in Performance Technology Degree Programme.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian and English.

Course description

The course provides a general introduction to the application of music technology in artistic and musical areas. Related topics and areas such as composition and other creative expressions may also be introduced.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, students are expected to demonstrate

  • specialised knowledge of music performance technology
  • ability to critically reflect on and assess contemporary music technological trends, and ability to consider such trends in relation to their own projects
  • ability to discuss ethical concerns relevant to their own creative activity, as well as in artistic research and development activity


The course examines topics such as

  • compositional use of programming. Two programs/tools will be studied, for instance, Max, KYMA, SuperCollider, Reaktor, After Effects or similar
  • practical and artistic tasks in production processes, composition and performance, such as mixing and mastering, live electronics, project studio work and "sound in space"
  • research and development activity in areas of music technology, acoustics, composition and music performance technology
  • ethical concerns relevant to artistic work and artistic research


Instruction is organised as lectures, group assignments, workshops, masterclasses, online classes and individual supervision. Independent work is emphasised.

Instruction is divided into three parts:

  1. Developing applications for artistic work.
  2. Workshops and lectures.
  3. Individual student presentations of the syllabus (1500 pages).

For an overview of the anticipated study progression, please see Organisation under the description of the individual study programme.

Students have registered automatically for instruction and assessment in the course, in accordance with the study progress requirements set out in each student's individual education plan.

Course requirements

1. Attendance and participation are compulsory during classes with student presentations, group assignments, collaborative learning sessions, and in classes that discuss materials not otherwise covered by the course literature. The semester outline provides overview of sessions with compulsory attendance.

2. Each student will hold 2 presentations for the group, normally 1 per year. Topics will be coordinated by the course instructor. Presentations will be held in class or submitted as video documentations.

3. Process portfolio: Students will assemble a process portfolio consisting of:

  • 1 exercise from each workshop (normally 2-4) where the student will demonstrate their understanding of the workshop content. The exercise may be a composition, a performance or a technical/theoretical work.
  • 2-3 independent practical works supplemented with reflection papers where students explain their choices.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to a final assessment.

Assessment is based on learning objectives. The final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark, which is determined based on the exam portfolio. Assessment is done by two internal examiners, of which one is normally the course instructor.

Exam portfolio

Students will assemble an exam portfolio based on the process portfolio. The exam portfolio consists of two highly complex independent works, as well as reflection papers explaining/elaborating the intentions behind the works.

Deadline: The exam portfolio must be submitted through Canvas by 15 May in the fourth semester of the course.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures apply.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Apr 20, 2022