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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Text and Present­a­tion For­um

Course description

  • Course type: PhD training component.
  • Year of study: All semesters.
  • Final assessment: PhD Committee Leader.
  • Prerequisites: Admission to the PhD programme
  • Language of instruction: Scandinavian languages. Occasionally, instruction is given in English.

Course description

Course organiser: PhD Committee.

The course encompasses three areas of research presentation: Research forum; conference participation with a presentation; and popular science presentation. The course runs throughout the project period.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, the candidate is expected to

  • present her/his original academic text and discuss this in a forum of researchers
  • present her/his original research to agents within relevant fields
  • receive and provide a constructive critique of research presentations


The course is comprised of

  1. Research forum.
  2. Conference participation with presentation (at international field conference).
  3. Popular science presentation/publication.


The research forum is organised as a two- or three-day symposium/seminar once per semester. All PhD candidates participate in the forum, regardless of academic focus. Candidates present texts produced in connection with their doctoral studies, and one appointed opponent (usually a peer PhD candidate) responds by presenting a prepared opposition. All PhD candidates and supervisors participate in a discussion of the presented texts.

See special guidelines for the research forum.

Conference contribution and popular science presentation are organised in accordance with the guidelines and traditions of the respective presentation arena.

Course requirements

1. Research forum

  • Candidates must present at least two original papers during the project period. The first presentation will be of their revised project proposal; see requirements for the DRAVHA90 course. Candidates from the class of 2016 and earlier will hold three presentations (including their revised project proposal) if they do not complete the midterm evaluation. See course requirements for DRAVHA90.
  • The candidate must present at least two oppositions to others' papers during the project period.
  • Active participation at all research fora during the nominal length of study.

2. International academic conference presentation

The PhD candidate must present her or his research at one or several external international academic conference(s). The presentation(s) shall be given on the basis of the submitted paper(s) and include response(s) to oppositions/comments by peer researcher(s). The (total) duration of the presentation(s) must be a minimum of 30 minutes.

3. Popular science /non-scholarly dissemination

Minimum one popular science /non-scholarly presentation must be given during the project period. The candidate may deliver the(se) presentation(s) either before an external (not affiliated with NMH) audience or as a written presentation(s) in news press or popular journal publication(s). Project relevant teaching may also count as popular science/non-scholarly dissemination.

Completed course requirements must be listed the in the form PhD Training Component – Documentation of Fulfillment and submitted with the documentation to the PhD Committee (DRU) for approval well in advance of the dissertation submission date.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be fulfilled and approved before the candidate is given a final assessment.

Candidates are assessed in relation to the learning objectives. The final assessment will be given as a pass/fail mark, which will be determined by the PhD Committee following the candidate’s submission of documentation for approval of the PhD Training Component.

Special regulations apply for documentation and approval of the PhD Training Component.

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures as for an ordinary assessment will be followed.

Study component

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Apr 20, 2022