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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Aur­al Skills Ped­agogy

Course description

The course offers a practical and reflective introduction to the Norwegian/Scandinavian tradition of Aural Skills Pedagogy. This internationally recognised teaching approach takes a holistic point of departure, with the use of the body, instrument and students’ repertoire, as well as diverse aural strategies and reflection in and on practice. The course aims at aural teaching from beginning to intermediate level. It includes practical skills, a manifold of aural strategies and teaching methods, as well as in-group teaching practice and didactic reflection. The course is relevant to those who would like to teach aural training to adolescents, include aural training in their instrumental teaching, those who seek a more intentional aural focus within their own musical practice, or would like to learn about the pedagogic reflections that lie behind the teaching practice at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

Language of instruction: English.

Course coordinator: Anne Katrine Bergby.

Learning objectives

On completion of the course, the student is expected to

  • be able to utilise diverse aural strategies and communicate these to others
  • be able to plan, conduct and reflect on own teaching
  • know relevant Scandinavian aural textbooks and digital learning resources, and be able to assess these and discuss their use and adaptation


The course covers

  • own aural skills development
  • note-based, aural-based and improvisation-based learning
  • didactic reflection on the teaching and learning of melody, harmony, rhythm and intonation
  • a practical and critical view on learning resources
  • music perception and cognition
  • aural curricula
  • teacher and student roles
  • teaching practice within the group


Weekly 90-minute group lessons for one semester. The lessons consist of practical exercises, presentations, discussions, lectures, in-group teaching practice, and exploration and assessment of learning resources. It is expected that the students work individually and/or collaboratively on assignments between lessons.

Course requirements

  • Mandatory participation in the weekly lessons.
  • One oral presentation about one ore multiple learning resources.
  • One oral presentation that includes planning, teaching and didactic reflection.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be approved prior to obtaining a final assessment. Assessment is based on the learning objectives. The final assessment is given as a pass/fail mark, which is determined by the course tutor based on each student’s level of achievement throughout the course period.

New assessment

Oral/practical exam (30 min.) consisting of a teaching/demonstration component and a didactic reflection component.

Published: Mar 18, 2022 — Last updated: Apr 25, 2022