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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

The Nation­al Research School for Artist­ic Research

  • Course type: Part of the research training component.
  • Course level: PhD.
  • Year of study: Semesters 1–5.
  • Final assessment: Assessment by the course co-ordinator.
  • Admission criteria: Qualified for admission to the PhD programme in Artistic Research.
  • Language of instruction: English.
  • Programme: PhD programme in Artistic Research
  • Course co-ordinator: Programme Committee for the PhD in Artistic Research

Course description

The Norwegian Artistic Research School aims to give the candidates an introduction to methodology, theory and ethics in artistic research along with training in disseminating results from artistic research. The interdisciplinary training is designed to support the artistic PhD projects and help ensure academic depth and breadth.

View the course plan with a detailed description of the various seminars and conferences (only in Norwegian).

Learning objectives

Upon completing the course, the candidate is expected to:

  • master basic theory for artistic research
  • be able to account for the diversity of theory and method in artistic research and reflect on and argue the choice of methodologies and processes in their artistic research project
  • be able to contribute to the discourse on artistic research
  • be able to formulate problems and plan the execution of artistic research, focusing on artistic processes and outcomes
  • be able to deal with complex professional issues and challenge established discourses and practices in the field
  • be able to deal with interdisciplinary issues in artistic research
  • be able to discuss ethical principles and issues in artistic research
  • be able to identify ethical issues and practise artistic research with integrity
  • be able to share artistic research in relevant domestic and international contexts
  • be able to engage in academic debate in international forums


The course comprises

  • lectures
  • discussions
  • workshops
  • group work
  • project presentations


The training is given in the form of seminars, conferences and other relevant forums, working with other candidates and peers involved in artistic research in Norway and abroad. Working methods include lectures, workshops, various forms of artistic research sharing and discussions. The discussions are related to each candidate’s project and to artistic research in general, with emphasis on the transfer value to the candidate’s own artistic research. The learning may take place in both small and large groups. The candidates are expected to prepare and familiarise themselves with various types of materials in advance which are then shared and discussed during the seminars. National and international projects and expertise on artistic research will be present at the conferences. The candidate will share and discuss their project and participate in relevant and topical discourses. By sharing their artistic research, the candidates help develop the respective art forms. The conferences provide an opportunity for cross-disciplinary exchanges and serve as an arena for a more general discourse on artistic research.
The course includes five seminars and five conferences (Artistic Research Forum spring and autumn) organised by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme.


The seminars are held for each cohort and cover the following topics:

  1. Theory related to artistic research
  2. Sharing and documentation of artistic research
  3. Ethics in artistic research and artistic practice
  4. Relationships in artistic research
  5. The final phase of artistic research and identifying and sharing professional contributions

Conferences 1–5 (Artistic Research Forum)

The conferences are an important arena for constructive critical dialogue with multidisciplinary domestic and international research communities and provide an opportunity to share the project 1) in the early phase in order to invite the research communities in as a resource to reflect on critical weaknesses and planned choices for contextualisation and investigation, 2) in the middle phase in order to invite the research communities in as a resource to reflect on key turning points, ethical issues and limitations, and 3) near the final phase in order to invite the research communities in as a resource to reflect on artistic choices, presentation and documentation formats.

Course requirements

  • Five seminars lasting 2–3 days. The candidate should present the project. Active participation in all seminars.
  • Five conferences (Artistic Research Forum) over 2–3 days. The candidate should present their project at three of the conferences. Active participation in all seminars.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met in order for the candidate to be given a final assessment.

The candidate will be judged on the basis of the learning objectives for the course. The final assessment is either a pass or a fail and is given by the programme committee for the PhD in Artistic Research subject to the approved course requirements.

Published: May 19, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 27, 2025