NMH is moving music! Renowned for our outstanding expertise, creativity and deep commitment, the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) works in, with and through music.
Our values: listening, learning, vibrant
With the mantra sound and listening, learning and dynamic communities, NMH aims to deliver internationally ground-breaking, dynamic and future-proof musical training. We seek to be open-minded and at the beating heart of the music field.
NMH moves students, music research, audiences, bands, choirs and orchestras. We inspire festivals, churches, community halls, practice rooms, concert halls and clubs. We vitalize health services, primary schools, music courses and arts schools. Our resonance, ideas and identity help build an inspired, open and democratic society. We inspire you!
Five strategic intentions
The Norwegian Academy of Music – moving music comprises five strategic intentions. They are designed to ensure a broad-based and effective approach to our core areas of education, scientific, artistic and pedagogical research and development, and music outreach. The different strands of the strategy come together to form a whole in order to create an inspired academy with optimal conditions for the whole organisation.