People will be able to enjoy their differences and feast their ears on the beautiful melodies, the exotic rhythms and ornaments and the regionalisms of the different pieces that make them unique. The project brings together very different folk and classical music traditions and has an emphasis on classical composers who composed dances and tunes inspired on the folk traditions of their countries. Gustavo Reis, as a Portuguese pianist residing in Norway will take the stage to show the music of his childhood country as well as his host country.
Back to the Roots

“Back to the Roots” is a solo piano project that gives its audience the opportunity to experience the music of two countries in different geographical parts of Europe: Portugal and Norway.
Edvard Grieg (1843–1907)
17 Slåtter for Piano, Op. 72:
- 6. Myllarguten's Folk Dance
- 9. Nils Rekve's Halling
- 12. Mylargutten's Bridal March
- 16. The Girls of Kivledal Spring Dance
Harald Sæverud (1897–1992)
- Tunes and Dances from Siljustol, Suite No. 1, Op. 21. No 3. Lullaby
- Tunes and Dances from Siljustøl, Suite No. 3, Op. 24. No. 1. Bridal March
- Siljuslåtten, Op. 17
Johan Kvandal (1919–1999)
Fantasies on 3 Country Dances, Op. 31:
- Jew's Harp Slått
- Langeleik Improvisation
- Vigstadmoen (Springleik for fiddle)
David Monrad Johansen (1888–1974)
Nordlandske Danser, Op. 30, Dances from Vefsn and Hattfjelldal:
- Poco allegro
- Allegretto grazioso
- Allegro agitato
- Allegro moderato
- Vivace
Fernando Lopes-Graça (1906–1994)
Melodias Rústicas Portuguesas – 2nd Book
- 15. Não canteis a valsa
- 23. Deolinda, Deolinda
- 24. Nossa Senhora da Granja
- 25. O meu menino é d’oiro
Nove Danças Breves:
- Allegro moderato
- Moderato
- Allegro
Francisco de Lacerda (1753– 1798)
- Lusitanas (3 Valsas de Fantasia)
Vianna da Motta (1868–1958)
- Cenas portuguesas, Op. 9 No. 2. Chula
- Cenas portuguesas, Op. 18 No. 2. O Malhao / Cancao d'Aveiro
João Domingos Bomtempo (1775–1842)
- Variasjoner over God Save the King, Op. 8
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Published: Dec 13, 2024 — Last updated: Dec 14, 2024