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Brenna Zepp (bassoon)

Bassoon player Brenna Zepp plays her examination concert.

Marie's Studio

Brenna about the concert: – This concert is the culmination of my master’s project, titled “Expanding the Bassoon Repertoire through Transcription”. The program is therefore comprised of pieces written for instruments other than the bassoon. The goal of this project is to discover new repertoire to play, since many instruments have a much larger solo repertoire than the bassoon, as well as to learn how to interpret this music. Should one attempt to copy the characteristics of the original instrument, or is it best to play the music as if the composer had intended it to be performed on a bassoon?


  • Johann Sebastan Bach (1685–1750): Partita in A minor for solo flute, 1. Allemande
  • Lili Boulanger (1883–1918): D’un Matin de Printemps
  • Johannes Brahms (1833–1897): Horn trio in E-flat major, 3. Adagio mesto og 4. Finale (Allegro con brio)


  • Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714–1788): Concerto in A major for flute, cello, or harpsichord:
  1. Allegro
  2. Largo maesto
  3. Allegro assai


  • Brenna Elisabeth Zepp (bassoon)
  • Patrik Johansson (piano)
  • Knut Johannessen (harpsichord)
  • Grace Rosier, Sigve Lieberg Stieng (violin)
  • Kamila Owsiany (viola)
  • Hannah Kristina Lund (cello)

Published: Apr 28, 2024 — Last updated: May 14, 2024