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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Astrid Kvalbein: Musical Modernization - Pauline Hall (1890–1969)

Investigating Pauline Hall's work through the first two-thirds of the 1900s, through different understandings of modernity and modernism.

Field of study: Performance Practice


In this study, Astrid Kvalbein explores the work of Pauline Hall (1890-1969) as a classical composer, theatre woman and leader of Ny Musikk, the Norwegian Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM). Hall’s work is explored and discussed in relation to different conceptions of modernization, modernity and modernism through a combination of biographical, performance and discourse-oriented approaches.

The dissertation

Full title (translated from Norwegian): Musical Modernization. Pauline Hall (1890-1969) as composer, theatre woman and leader of “Ny musikk”

The dissertation comprises a monograph and a CD recording. The full version is available from NMH's library.

The monograph is available from NMH's digital archive Brage.

The dissertation language is Norwegian.

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Published: Jan 6, 2017 — Last updated: Apr 22, 2024