Field of study: Performance Practice
Hild Borchgrevink: Language about music as performative practice(s)

The PhD project develops tools for discussing the span between the disciplinary and the interdisciplinary in 21st-century music that actively composes with non-sounding material and non-musical sound in a tradition of Western scored music.
The PhD project compiles and discusses a selection of critical, aesthetic, dramaturgical and performative theories and a selection of musical examples composed in the 21st century in Norway that have not previously been discussed together. The selection and interdisciplinary discussion of theory are central to the dissertation's aimed contribution to the field.
As part of Borchgrevink's work with practical examples, she has been allowed to follow the development of a new piece of scored music with open material from the first rehearsal with the composer and musicians up to and including the first public performance in 2022. This part of the research received a grant from the Norwegian Cultural Council as part of its research program "Creative practices in music". This part of the study will also be documented in a peer-reviewed article (see link in the sidebar).
Research Question
The main research question is: "How to understand and discuss the span between the disciplinary and the interdisciplinary in music that actively composes with a non-sound material and with non-musical sound in a western score music tradition?"
Further research questions are:
- What happens to the critical, the aesthetic, the dramaturgical and the performative when exposed to the principle of non-hierarchy in the interdisciplinary, and to a creative perspective?
- How do declarations of an open material in Western-scored music relate to principles of artistic and aesthetic autonomy?
- What happens to the score and musical writing as materiality and function in scored music with an open material?
The PhD project will be documented in a monograph.
Articles relevant
Published: Jun 9, 2022 — Last updated: Nov 1, 2024