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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Tal­ent Devel­op­ment Pro­gramme: Train­ing for Young, Tal­en­ted Musi­cians

The Talent Development Programme (TUP) at the Academy targets young people between the ages of 13 and 19 years old who have achieved a high level of skill on their principal instrument.

In TUP, you will receive instrumental lessons with instructors from NMH, play in ensembles and orchestras, participate in various projects, present concerts and participate in workshops on theory, aural skills and other relevant subject areas.

The Talent Development Programme at NMH is part of a nationwide talent development programme. Applicants can play any instrument in classical music, folk music or jazz.

Starting in 2021, NMH is offering the new TUP Combination programme to students of composition and conducting, which lets you combine instrumental instruction with composition/songwriting or conducting.

Another new opportunity this year is applying for TUP Ensemble as a pre-existing ensemble/chamber music group. Fill this in under “Any comments” (“Eventuelle merknad”) in the application form. Remember that each member of the ensemble must submit their application.


Key information

Why NMH?

A drawing of students playing on various instruments.

Departments and disciplines

Published: Feb 17, 2020 — Last updated: Mar 13, 2025