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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

For­um and Inter­pret­a­tion

  • Year of study: The third year of study (KADI), over two semesters.
  • Final assessment: Assessment by the course instructor.
  • Prerequisites: Admission to a programme in which the course is included.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian and English.

Course description

Forum and Interpretation II (FORUM30) is a required course, integrated into the assessment of Principal Instrument.

Learning objectives

Through the course work, it is expected that the student will

  • advance her/his knowledge of her/his principal instrument and instrument group
  • develop further knowledge of the appropriate repertoire for the instrument(s)
  • advance her/his ability to interpret music with personal and stylistic assuredness
  • advance her/his performance competence and awareness of various forms of musical presentation
  • develop performance professionalism and preparedness
  • within applicable instrument groups, learn appropriate instrument maintenance

If appropriate for her/his Principal Instrument, it is expected that the student also will

  • be trained in ensemble and group performance
  • receive audition training
  • receive training in etude playing, rehearsal techniques etc.


The course work covers

  • performance practice
  • instrument knowledge
  • repertoire knowledge
  • interpretation presentation

Interpretation and Presentation cover a range of performance skills, including stage performance, verbal presentation and ability to master a variety of performance situations. Individual students focus on identifying, advancing, and controlling various mechanisms that are at play and can affect the relation between performer and audience.

For certain instrument groups, Forum and Interpretation may involve a study of

  • ensemble and orchestral performance
  • audition preparation

Students are sometimes required to perform music as an initiation to instruction and discussion. Sessions will be conducted through a variety of methods, including seminars, guest lectures, courses and projects.


Students are divided into instrument groups (e.g. Strings, Woodwinds, Brass) based on their principal instrument of study. Such groups are indicated in the timetable. Organization of teaching may vary to some degree. For certain groups, the instruction may be scheduled in correspondence with project weeks. Instruction will be given by members of the faculty as well as guest instructors.

Works studied in Principal Instrument and Practice and Accompaniment make up the core repertoire of this course. Performance of such works provides the basis of development work related to various aspects of interpretation and performance.

For an overview of the anticipated study progression, please see Organisation under the description of the individual study programme.

Students have registered automatically for instruction/supervision and assessment in the course in accordance with the study progress requirements set out in the individual education plan.

Course requirements

1. Compulsory attendance

A minimum attendance of 80% is required to pass the course.

2. Compulsory participation

Students called upon to actively participate in the class are required to do so.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met and approved before the student is given a final assessment.

Students are assessed in relation to the learning objectives. The final assessment will be given as a mark of “passed”/”failed” for each individual student, which shall be determined on the basis of her or his level demonstrated through the course work.

Failing Mark

A failing mark obliges the student to repeat the course, either in part or full. The extent of required course repetition is determined on an individual basis.

Study component

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 24, 2025