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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Artist­ic Spe­cial­isa­tion I — Con­cert production/​Outreach

  • Year of study: First year of study, two semesters.
  • Final assessment: Assessment from the course instructor
  • Prerequisites: Admission to Master in music performance.
  • Language of instruction: Norwegian/English.

Course description

The course is an elective variation within the study programme that the students can chose as an alternative to the course Artistic specialisation I – Main instrument. The course is organized over to semesters and the student will get experience and skills in planning, curating concerts and be able to communicate music to various audience groups in stage performances.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, the student should demonstrate:

  • planning and curating skills and be able to arrange stage performance projects for various types of audience
  • can act professional and fulfill contracts with arrangers/owners of concert venues by communicating and establishing an appropriate dialogue
  • skills in curation of concerts and be able to make well planned artistic choices of repertoire, mediation and ways of presenting the material
  • individual and cooperative skills in concert production on a high artistic level within a varied repertoire for various types of audience
  • good communication with different types of audience
  • a critical reflection concerning their own role in ongoing and finalized projects.


The projects will lead up to stage productions on external venues. The students will typically be organized in groups of 3-5 musicians. In the 2nd and 3rd project there will be possible to arrange individual projects as well as ensemble projects.

The first three projects will be of a smaller format to accommodate for the final project that will take place on the concert arena Sentralen, which will be a more ambitious arrangement than the first three projects.

Student led festival

The final project week ends up in student led mini festival at Sentralen or other suitable venues in the Oslo area. There will be allocated resources dedicated to this project. The students will establish a festival management led by the students where all the artistic and practical tasks related to the planning and execution of the production will be handled.


The course is organised in 4 project weeks; one introductory seminar week and a project week in the autumn semester and two projects in the spring semester. In the introductory week the student will be presented for relevant theory and practice (bootcamp) related to stage performances.


The instruction is organized in a collaboration between the main instrument teacher and specialist in concert production and entrepreneurship. The instructions can be organized as seminars, workshops, group instruction and individual instruction. Music lessons with the main instrument teacher will be offered as individual lessons in the introductory week. In the remaining project weeks there will be an emphasis on coordination between the main instrument lessons and the preparations related to the music which will be performed in the project weeks.


Will be planned within the groups in collaboration with the principal supervisor, the principal instrument teacher(s) and accompanist/fellow musicians. Normally, the repertoire for this course may not comprise any part of the course repertoire in Master’s Project I or II.

Course requirements

  • The student must pass the introductory seminar and each of the three projects. Active participation is mandatory. More than 20 % absence from the seminar will normally result in a failing mark.
  • The student must submit a reflection paper in the scope of 900-1100 words
  • The student must submit a report form and a repertoire list for the projects in accordance with the due given in relation to each project.
  • The student must have completed all the submissions within the due given by the course instructor on the learning platform Canvas.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be fulfilled and approved before the student is given a final assessment.

Students are assessed in relation to the course objectives. The final assessment will be given as a «passed»/«failed» mark, which is determined by the course instructor and a team of teachers based on each student’s level of achievement throughout the course period


In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures as for an ordinary assessment will be followed.

Study component

Published: Sep 17, 2021 — Last updated: Jan 16, 2025