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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search


Course description

Elective course for students in the further education programme Church Music II. The course provides an introduction to basic singing techniques and song interpretation.

The student must document knowledge of singing to be admitted to the course.

Course coordinator: Svein Bjørkøy.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course students are expected to

  • possess knowledge of solo song literature which can be used in a variety of church musical contexts
  • possess basic knowledge and skills in singing technique and interpretation


Tuition is adapted to the individual student's vocal abilities and level, and includes

  • interpretation of relevant repertoire
  • introduction to solo repertoire that can be used in church musical contexts
  • basic knowledge and skills in singing methodologies, in order to enable the student to guide others in singing and choir work
  • guidance in singing technique


The course is taught individually and/or in groups. Approximate tuition resource is 30 minutes a week for 26 weeks. Some topics will be taught as projects, etc. Tuition of the course is viewed in relation to the courses "Choral conducting" and "Choir".

Course requirements

At the end of the study year the student submits an overview showing the repertoire, technical exercises, etc. he/she has examined. Studied repertoire must amount to approx. 30 minutes. The overview is to be approved by the course teacher.

Final assessment

All coursework requirements must be approved for the student to obtain final assessment.

Students are assessed in correspondence to the learning objectives of the course. Final assessment is expressed with the grades pass/fail, and set on the basis of an 20 minute practical exam with at least two internal examiners.

Practical exam

The student chooses a 15 minutes repertoire to be played. If the student needs an accompanist, he or she must organise this his-/herself.

New assessment

Students failing the course must complete a new examination by the same guidelines as the regular examination.

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Feb 18, 2025