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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Orches­tra Academy: Intern­ships with the Oslo Phil­har­mon­ic or the Nor­we­gi­an Cham­ber Orches­tra

The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra and the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra offer an internship for students in the Master of Music Performance - Solo Instrument/Chamber Music programme.


The audition is only open for students who are applying to the Master of Music Performance – Solo Instrument/Chamber Music programme 2024. Auditions for internship is live auditions with a jury from the orchestras.

Auditions for The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, violin and viola will be held during week 8 - Wednesday 21 February.

Auditions for The Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra: Friday 6 September from 14:30.


String players (except Double Bass) play chamber music with musicians from The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra as a second round. All other instruments play only one round.

You must state the piece to be played on the Supplemental Form, even if there should be only one option for your instrument. The candidates will also play orchestra excerpts and chamber music repertoire (second round DNK).

The orchestras reserve the right to allocate internships according to availability in the orchestras.

You'll find the orchestra excerpts in Box (

Published: May 7, 2020 — Last updated: Jun 28, 2024