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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad


Externally Connected Persons

Research areas and expertise

  • Schools of Music and Performing Arts
  • Music education and cultural diversity
  • Posthuman and new materialist theories
  • Post qualitative inquiry



  • 2014 – 2017: M.A in Music Education, Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo.
  • 2008 – 2009: Educational Theory and Practice in Arts, University of Stavanger.
  • 2003 – 2008: B.A. of Music, University of Stavanger.

Professional experience

  • 2015 – present: Primary school music teacher.
  • 2009 – present: Violin and viola teacher and conductor of string orchestras.


  • Stretching and cracking: becoming feminist posthumanist scholars in music education Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad ,  Synnøve Kvile ,  Runa Hestad Jenssen 2024
  • Becoming post-researchers in a Nordic music education context Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad ,  Tine Grieg Viig ,  Runa Hestad Jensen ,  Rolf Martin Snustad ,  Guro von Germeten ,  Synnøve Kvile ,  Mali Hauen 2024
  • Stretching and Cracking: Becoming feminist posthumanist scholars in music education Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad ,  Runa Hestad Jenssen ,  Synnøve Kvile 2024
  • Moderation of panel session at "Lift Every Voice: Opening up Music Communities" Tone Pernille Østern ,  Ronald Kibirige ,  Nuka Alice Lund ,  Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad ,  Therese Khachik 2023
  • Does agency belong in music education? Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad ,  Sidsel Karlsen ,  Camilla Kvaal ,  Nasim Niknafs ,  Sean Powell 2023
  • Diffracting stories: feminist new materialist and posthuman perspectives on doing music education research Synnøve Kvile ,  Runa Hestad Jenssen ,  Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad 2023
  • Towards new understandings of musical knowledge: New materialist and posthuman perspectives Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad 2020
  • Knowledge in music education: An analysis of the learning goals of the Norwegian Municipal Schools of Music and Performing Arts’ curriculum framework Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad 2019
  • Kunnskap i kulturskolen Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad 2019
  • Kva lærer El Sistema-elevar? Fem fiolinpedagogar sine tankar om elevar sin kompetanse og undervisningsforma gruppeundervisning Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad 2017
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Projects Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad participates in