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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Mari Ystanes Fjeldstad: Knots of Knowing-in-Playing.

Stories From Violin Lessons Read Diffractively Through Agential Realism.

Field of study: Music Education.


This feminist new materialist and posthuman inquiry explores violin lessons held by three teachers and their students in the Norwegian Schools of Music and Performing Arts (SMPA). In current research related to the Nordic field of SMPA, there is rich literature drawing on discourse analysis of policy documents and on interviews and surveys of leaders and teachers. This inquiry develops a broader insight into SMPA music education practices by also taking an interest in the mess and the matter of violin lessons: in the stickers falling off the fingerboard of the violins, the spiders interrupting the lessons, and the students coming late and without violins. The initial question guiding this inquiry is: How are violin lessons enacted and what do they produce?

The dissertation

Title: Knots of Knowing-in-Playing: Stories From Violin Lessons Read Diffractively Through Agential Realism.

The dissertation is a monograph, and it is written in English.

The dissertation is available in NMH's digital archive.

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Published: Jun 9, 2022 — Last updated: Jun 28, 2024