Competence areas:
- Philosophy of music education
- Philosophy of music
- Epistemology and philosophy of science
Øivind Varkøy is a professor of music education at the Norwegian Academy of Music with a PhD in musicology from the University of Oslo (2001). Varkøy has previously worked as a music teacher in secondary school, at the teacher education program at the University of Innlandet, and as a professor of musicology at Örebro University. He has also held professor II positions at Örebro University and the teacher education program at OsloMet. Varkøy has published many articles, books and anthologies on music pedagogical philosophy and music philosophy, both nationally and internationally. He is also a composer/songwriter and has contributed to recordings with Morten Harket (1993) and Solveig Slettahjell (2016 and 2025).
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