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Study Barometer: Satisfied with Study Programmes, but not with Feedback

The results from the 2024 study barometer show that NMH scores well above the national average in most areas. Still, students are less satisfied with feedback and guidance than before.

NMH students are still satisfied with their study programmes, with an average score of 4.2 out of 5. This is the same as the previous year and slightly above the national average.

Satisfied with the Academic and Social Environment

The academic and social environment has consistently scored high since 2015, remaining well above 4 each year except during the pandemic year of 2020. When students are asked how satisfied they are with the environment among students and academic staff in their study programme, the score is 4.3 out of 5. 85% of respondents are very satisfied or satisfied with the environment. The academic environment among students also scores almost as high, at 4.0, with 78% being very satisfied or satisfied.

What Students Rate the Highest

NMH students are delighted with the library service, scoring 4.5 out of 5. The survey also shows that they are mainly motivated (4.4 out of 5) and believe that the academic staff make the teaching engaging (4.3 out of 5).

"It is always nice to hear that NMH students are motivated and enjoy the environment here. That is also the impression we have. I am not surprised that the library receives praise. They work forward-thinking with much more than collections of books, scores, and music. I am pleased that the library has extended opening hours and all the workstations and activities there," says Principal Astrid Kvalbein.

It is always nice to hear that NMH students are motivated and enjoy the environment here. That is also the impression we have.

Astrid Kvalbein, Principal

"This result expresses how the quality of the study is the core of what makes NMH a marvellous study place. The library is the centre of most of the studies here, so a ranking that high reflects the librarians' attention to creating a good study environment", says leder of the Student Comittee Lucie Lou Camps.

She meens the school is filled with motivated people, teachers in the center but also administrators, and that contributes to motivating the students. – I hope we can continue to thrive in that environment so everyone can have a voice and continue to stand up for their art.

This school is filled with motivated people, teachers in the center but also administrators, and that contributes to motivating the students.

Lucie Lou Camps leder of the Student Comittee
Lucie Lou Camps

Less Satisfied with Feedback

This year's survey shows that students are less satisfied with feedback and guidance than in previous years. Although still above the national average, the score has dropped by half a point since last year (from 4.2 in 2023 to 3.7 in 2024). Students are also less satisfied with the number of feedbacks they receive on their work, scoring 3.6, a decrease of 0.6 since last year.

What Students Are Least Satisfied With

Information about relevant careers in the job market, how to convey their competencies to future employers, etc., scores relatively low (3.5–3.2 out of 5).

At the same time, NMH students score better than the national average on the question, "Representatives from the job market contribute to the teaching." This might seem paradoxical, but the explanation for this high score might be that many of the teachers at NMH have jobs in the music industry alongside their teaching. The provision in the study programme regarding industry knowledge and contact with the job market has been improved since the survey was conducted in October last year, so we aim for a slightly higher score in the study barometer in the coming years.

Astrid Kvalbein commenting: "The relationship between students and the job market is probably more complex in performing arts than in some other fields of study. It is a challenge to prepare students for a job market that, for some, will mean a permanent job, for many, will mean freelancing, and for most, will often be a patchwork of various forms of work with music. Over the past year, we have been revising what we call our 'industry subjects' and aiming for some adjustments that will clarify the connection between studies and the job market. At the same time, the study period must allow for immersion, play, and experimentation without constantly worrying about whether what they are doing is 'relevant'."

– A bubble

Lucie's comment on the result and contact with the job market: "We must remember that a school, specifically an art school, is a bubble protected from the outside world. Having this bubble is important to let the student express all their creativity, refine their craft and have the freedom to explore without having the challenge of being outside. That said, after this bubble, we need to continue to help these students achieve their art while being fully functioning professionals. These connections are made through teachers and courses, as well as being transparent about the outside of the bubble. I'm really hoping that with the new strategy and the change we are making through the different programs, the professional world doesn't seem as scary for our students and that they are more equipped for it."

An art school is a bubble protected from the outside world. Having this bubble is important to let the student express all their creativity, refine their craft and have the freedom to explore without having the challenge of being outside.

Lucie Lou Camps

A new timetable system

Students are less satisfied with administrative arrangements, such as timetables, study plans, etc., which have been a problem area at NMH for several years. Although the score has slightly improved since last year, it is one of the few areas where NMH scores worse than the rest of the country. But there is light at the end of the tunnel: From 2025, the school will implement a new and more accessible timetable system, hopefully improving and simplifying the study experience for NMH students.

"Timetabling, room allocation, and study plans remain complex at NMH, with many one-to-one teaching and small group sessions. We hope that the new system will help, along with the skilled administrative staff, who do everything they can to make all the schedules work."

"We take note of what the study barometer tells us, and we must, of course, remember that relatively few respond, and the experiences of individuals can thus have a significant impact, replies Astrid Kvalbein."

Timetabling, room allocation, and study plans remain complex at NMH, with many one-to-one teaching and small group sessions. We hope that the new system will help.

Astrid Kvalbein

Variation in Responses

There is a wide variation in responses in some areas – some are very satisfied while others are dissatisfied. Questions about feedback, expectations, and ambitions for the students from the teachers show significant variation. This likely depends on the individual and varies based on the study programme. Since there are so few respondents, we cannot delve deeper into the numbers without challenging privacy.

In other areas, students are more in agreement, and the responses are more consistent. This applies particularly to topics such as the environment, students' preparation for lessons, and students' perceptions of their study effort as high. Here, the respondents are quite in agreement, and the score is high – higher than last year.


Do you have tips or suggestions on how we can improve on any of the things the study barometer measures? Send an e-mail to

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