Field of study: Music Education
Brit Ågot Brøske: Music for all

A study of intercultural collaboration in a music education partnership project between Norway and India
The aim of this PhD project is to develop knowledge on international music teacher projects and how school music practices evolve in the project Education IN Music, India/Norway.
The PhD project is a qualitative case study, with document analysis, interviews and observation as ways of collecting data, and postcolonial theory and activity theory as theoretical frameworks. The project contributes to existing knowledge on how school music evolves and expands through international collaboration, and on how to understand this development through the concepts of contradictions, hybridity and Third Space.
International collaboration is important to NMH on a strategic level. Based on societal development and globalization, a music education project based outside Europe will be of high value.
The PhD study aims to answer the following overarching research question: "What characterizes intercultural collaborative music education development in a project aiming to establish music as a subject for all in schools, music teacher training and music teacher professionalism?"
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Published: Sep 15, 2020 — Last updated: Nov 1, 2024