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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Vocal physiology and ana­tomy

Course description

The course entails anatomy and physiology of the voice relevant for singing technique and is offered to students with singing as a main instrument on the Bachelor in Music Performance and to students on the choral conducting concentration in the Bachelor of Music in Conducting.

Learning objectives

On completion of this course, the student is expected to

  • demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the voice for developing singing technique and how to use this in their own development and the development of others.


The course entails

  • knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the voice and the breathing mechanism in order to improve and understand their own singing technique and the technique of other singers.
  • various pedagogical terms and issues related to singing technique


Lectures and workshops in groups with singing students across different study programs.

For a summary of indicative workload and structure, please see the “Structure” section of the relevant programme of study.

The students are automatically registered for tuition/supervision and assessment in the subject in line with the progression set out in the individual education plan.

Course requirements

There are mandatory participation in lectures that involve performing excersices- These are specified in the semester plan.

Final assessment

All course requirements must be met before the student can be given a final assessment.

The assessment is based on the learning objectives for the course. The course is assessed on a pass or fail on a oral exam performed in groups.

Oral Exam

Assessment is based on an oral exam performed in groups of two students with a scope of 20 minutes in a specified subject area defined by the academic staff. The students must demonstrate the use of relevant terms and issues related to the anatomy and physiology of singing technique and how to perform this in actual singing. The exam is assessed by two internal examiners.

New assessment

In the case of re-assessment, the same procedures apply.


There is a curriculum offered in a compendium ranging from 200 to 300 pages.

Study component

Published: Apr 3, 2020 — Last updated: Jan 16, 2025