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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Jadran Duncumb: Masterclass Concert

We are welcoming lutenist Jadran Duncumb back to NMH—he will give a two day masterclass on the interpretation of baroque and renaissance lute repertoire.

Jørn Pedersen

Tonight, the NMH guitar students will play a shared concert together with Jadran Duncumb. The programme features works from the Renaissance and Baroque era, as well as contemporary pieces.

Jadran Duncumb

One of the most active solo lutenists today, Jadran has carved out a particularly important reputation on the baroque lute. Weiss & Hasse – Lute Sonatas (Audax Records, 2018) was described as a "monumental achievement" by the Lute Society of America’s Joe Harris, highly reccomending the CD to "anyone who wishes to get a glimpse into what the apex of baroque lute playing might have sounded like in the 18th century … perhaps even the the great master Sylvius Leopold Weiss himself." J. S. Bach – works for lute (Audax Records, 2021) was crowned with the prestigious Diapason D'Or in May 2021. The second and final volume of Bach's lute works will be released in 2024.

He is also in demand on other historical lutes and guitars. Recent bigger projects have included recording the pinnacle of the English renaissance lute repertoire in Dowland's Lachrimae for Challenge Classics with Accademia Strumentale Italiana—and frequent concerts on the romantic guitar with the soprano Giulia Semenzato. Since 2023, he has been the artistic director of the Barokkanerne – Norwegian Baroque Ensemble.

More Concerts

Published: Jun 14, 2024 — Last updated: Sep 12, 2024