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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Research at the Academy

The Academy is an institution for both art and research, and our responsibilities include conducting research, artistic research and educational development work on a high level.

People and society

The Norwegian Academy of Music invests in research and discovery that holds meaning to people and society. Our researchers and experts are leaders of the development within musical education such as performing and music therapy. These areas include various specializations, and the Academy runs more than 100 research and development project, creating new knowledge and innovation within several branches – from musicology, history and music technology, to health, practice, ethics and philosophy.


We aim to exchange our results and work across disciplines. Research teams consisting of professors, Post Doctors, Ph.D. fellows and experts network to promote research exchange and dialogue nationally and internationally.

Knowledge based instruction

All instruction at the Norwegian Academy of Music is based on knowledge. The connection between the research society and teaching activities enables our students to receive future-oriented instruction at all times, rooted in our long experience and tradition.

Projects and centres

Academy research activities are guided by our Strategy, our annual plans and three committees:

  • The Research and Development Committee
  • The PhD Committee (DRU)
  • The Committee for the Artistic Research Programme (KUST)

Four research centres

Most of our research activities are conducted in the Academy's four centres:

  • NordART – The Arne Nordheim Centre for Artistic Research.
  • CERM – Centre for Educational Research in Music.
  • CREMAH – Centre for Research in Music and Health.
  • CEMPE – Centre of Excellence in Music Performance Education.

Published: Mar 19, 2020 — Last updated: Feb 20, 2024