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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Anniversary Exhibition

View over 100 images from NMH's expanded history in the corridor on the third floor, first house.

As part of the Academy's history project and the celebration of NMH's 50th anniversary in 2023/2024, we have collected a selection of images from the institution's history in a photo exhibition. The exhibition serves as an extension of the principal portraits, which hang in the prism room. While the latter represent NMH's history from a leadership perspective, the exhibition provides glimpses of teaching, research, music-making, and concerts at different times and places in NMH's expanded history.

In other words, the exhibition shows activities that are taking place and have taken place in connection with NMH at different times, locations, and within different sections and study programmes. By juxtaposing completely new images with historical images, the exhibition visualises both what has changed and what is more or less as it has "always" been. In addition to pictures from NMH's 50-year history, the exhibition also includes some images from NMH's predecessor, the Oslo Music Conservatoire, founded in 1883, as well as from Østlandet's Music Conservatoire, which merged with NMH in 1996.

The exhibition project aims to visually capture NMH in its full breadth from the start to the present day. It was impossible to include all central people within the framework of this project, but we still hope everyone can find images that reflect "their" NMH in some way.

See below for short and informative captions for all the exhibition pictures.

The anniversary exhibition is a gift from The Lindeman Foundation. Bjørnar Utne-Reitan and Karina Krokaa have been responsible for the project and have collaborated with the design agency ANTI, the art committee and NMH's Campus services in the work with the exhibition.

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