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Norges musikkhøgskole Norwegian Academy of Music Search

Mas­ter of Music in Music The­ory

Student sitter ved et piano og blar i noteark

Are you interested in conducting research and improving your understanding of music? This unique programme offers you the opportunity to delve deeper into the musical notes and understand what underlies them.

New application deadline: 15 April 2025

We will open for new applications to the Mas­ter of Music Theory from 15 March 2025. The application deadline is moved to 15 April 2025.

Please follow this link to find more information about the admission prosess.

Music theory, music history and aural skills are fundamental components of our curriculum at the Norwegian Academy of Music. We are the only institution in Scandinavia to offer a Master of Music in music theory programme in English. Here, you can gain practical skills that will enable you to analyse intriguing musical challenges across various genres.

The programme is also available on a part-time basis, allowing you to study 3 years.


This programme is suitable for a wide range of individuals, especially those who wish to explore the possibilities that music theory offers, whether as a performer, composer, pedagogue or researcher. We value versatility, and your background may come from several different musical traditions. You will be able to use this experience as a resource for your study research.

The programme provides a valuable opportunity for you to delve deeper into your areas of interest and serves as an important point of departure for further artistic activities, teaching and research. The Master’s thesis you write can take various approaches, ranging from artistic to more theoretical or educational themes.

When you have completed your studies

When you have completed the programme, you can pursue various roles in music education. You will have acquired specialised research expertise in music that you can use as a musicologist or practitioner in the future.

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A drawing of students playing on various instruments.

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Published: Mar 13, 2020 — Last updated: Feb 27, 2025